Abstract: The
Difference Between DNA and Computer Programs
Grade: 7
Category: Computer Science
1. How often do genetic
mutations affect an amino acid chain?
2. How often do mutations
affect a computer program?
1. I
believed that in 10 trials, changing bases at the nucleotide level would always
lead to a change in amino acid sequences resulting from translation (all 10
trials would lead to false).
2. I
believed that 50% of the time the
program would change and 50% of the
time it would not change.
1. I used a programming
language called Lisp and a programming environment called Dr. Racket to program
the project. I made a program that allowed me to pair A with T and C with G
(the Nucleic Acids). Then I tested out some basic functions. I reused the
programs I had already made to help me. I made a function called list-compare
that told if a list was the same or not and I used that in my final program
called, “Ribosome.” Now I was ready for my experiment. I made a basic DNA
strand with 20 codons and copied it ten times in each of those ten copies I
took out one letter and put in another. Making mutated strands I then used
ribosome to translate and compare the translated strands (proteins).
2. Then I used a simple
program called add6, which adds 6 to a number. I copied it ten times to
simulate mutations. Then I took the copies and took out one letter out of
everyone and replaced it with another. I was ready to compare the basic and
mutated programs.
Experiment 1 Results
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. False
6. False
7. False
8. False
9. False
Experiment 2
1. Error /
2. Error/Change
3. Error I Change
4. Error /
5. Error / Change
6. Error I Change
7. Error I Change
8. Error I Change
9. Error I Change
10. Error /
1. For the
first test 80% of the time it was false. This surprised me because before I was
thinking about all the possibilities and how little the amount of same chains
there were. Now I see that the amino acids are close when not connected, for
instance: Take Proline there are 4 ways to make it. CCC, CCG, CCA, CCT change 1
letter at the end of a CC codon and you get Proline again. This proves my
hypothesis was false.
2. The
computer would not take the change. I looked back and I realized the reason for
this was that the computer isn’t as robust as DNA because computers have help
from people and they don’t need to advance or fix themselves while DNA does.
Thank You.
• “DNA
movie shown in class. Reference non available.”
• Dr.
Racket, http:Ilracket-lang.orgl
• McDou
gal Littell Life Science. Evanston, IL: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006.
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dfla